Thursday, 26 September 2013

LED Noughts And Crosses

Here’s a twist to the age-old game of noughts and crosses. Instead of pen and paper, it uses nine 10mm tri-colour LEDs arranged in a 3 x 3 grid. One player has nine red buttons while the other player has nine green, set out in identical grids. The aim, of course, is to make three LEDs in a row glow the same colour – red or green! Pushing a red button causes the LED in the equivalent position on the grid to glow red in colour. Likewise, pushing a green button lights the equivalent green LED.

LED noughts & crosses circuit schematic

If a player pushes a button for a LED that is already glowing red or green, then that LED changes to yellow, exposing the false move! All the LEDs are then turned off, ready for the next game, by pressing the "Clear" button. For simplicity, the circuit shows only one tri-colour LED and a pair of opposing buttons. This circuit fragment must be repeated another eight times to create a complete 3 x 3 grid. A brief press on a button fires the associated SCR and turns on the LED. The common (cathode) lead of all LEDs is connected to the 0V rail via the normally-closed contacts of the "Clear" pushbutton (S3).